
Using Packaging To Create Brand Authenticity

Published On: September 22, 2015

Your brand is unique and you want to share this with your customers. As shopping habits have changed and consumers have more access to information on the Internet, many people seek out brands that are authentic and genuine at every interaction.

Packaging is a way to convey a sense of authenticity when consumers encounter your product for the first time at a retailer. Customers should be able to pick up your package and understand your message. Most importantly, your brand story needs to resonate with your audience, so it’s crucial to consider what your target customers want from your brand packaging.

Why You Should be Obsessed with Brand Authenticity

Authenticity serves to build a connection between your brand and your audience. For that reason, authenticity needs to soak up every aspect of your brand, including the packaging. This is especially important in highly saturated markets where differentiation is crucial. Conveying an authentic personality is key to standing out in the marketplace.

New Call-to-action

Because consumers are more critical and suspect of marketing initiatives, it’s important to utilize the power of storytelling to create credibility for your product. Unlike broad generalizations about your brand or product, storytelling engages, captivates and communicates your message. That story, in turn, should be a reflection of your passion and the vehicle for building a human connection with your customers.

But how do you tell a story that communicates your message? It’s all in the packaging.

Packaging Elements that Influence Brand Authenticity

Packaging communicates brand authenticity and delivers on your brand’s message via multiple elements. Combined, these elements influence and support the building of positive consumer-brand relationships. These elements include:

  • Brand Logos
  • Packaging Colors
  • Fonts
  • Packaging Materials
  • Graphics/Pictorials
  • Shapes
  • Copy/Product Descriptions

The symbolism created through these packaging elements can send a variety of messages to consumers including:

  • Convenience
  • Environmental Consciousness
  • Health Consciousness
  • Prestige
  • Value
  • Quality
  • Tradition
  • Heritage

Because packaging is not simply a storage or container for your product, it’s important that every element of your packaging is thought through.

Quality packaging suppliers can help you achieve the right message that supports your brand by providing an array of print coatings, finishes and materials to choose from. If you’re looking for high-end, prestige packaging, luxury coatings or finishing effects may be just what you need to create the right message for your brand. Vibrant colors, mirror-like coatings or metallics may help you achieve a youthful and fun appearance.

Quality packaging suppliers

Regardless of what your brand stands for, it’s important that the elements that make up your package closely align with your branding goals.

Tying Brand Authenticity and Packaging Together

There are countless possibilities for packaging that enable you to accentuate the value of your brand. Here at JohnsByrne, we know just how important it is to create packaging that exemplifies and emphasizes your brand’s values and messaging.

Keep in mind that achieving the right mix of packaging elements to accurately represent your brand and build a positive relationship with consumers requires an experienced printer and packaging supplier.

Are you looking for packaging that communicates your brand message? Schedule a free innovation consultation with one of our packaging specialists today!

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