When choosing packaging for a product, companies must take several factors into consideration. One of these is how to display their item within a package. When seeking to highlight the quality, appearance, or other attributes of a product, clear plastic substrates are the go-to material for manufacturers. Far more sophisticated and varied than when they debuted several decades ago, the plastics making up clear folding carton packages now represent a compelling option for companies in a variety of industries. Beyond the higher visibility they offer, folding cartons provide many other benefits for brands to consider.
Types of Products Using Clear Folding Carton Packaging
A wide array of industries have helped their sales by packaging items more “clearly.” Products commonly using transparent packages include:
- Health and beauty. Cosmetics, skincare, bath and body, and hair products often incorporate clear packages.
- Consumer electronics. With the tidal wave of new consumer and wearable electronics, clear plastic folding cartons or plastic windowing are a cool, high tech way of showing off cutting-edge technology. Consumers can instantly get a feel for the size, shape and wearability of the device and be one step closer to grabbing it off the shelf. These clear cartons can feature small custom windows or complete cutouts for a total visual experience.
What Sets Transparent Packaging Apart?
Regardless of the type of product, companies including clear plastic substrates in their package design notice a number of significant benefits. Clear packages give brands a competitive edge in the following ways:
1. They help the consumer visualize using the product. There is a major difference between seeing an image of the product and viewing the actual product. Transparent packaging provides this advantage.
2. It allows the folding carton manufacturers to showcase the gorgeous design of the primary packaging for their product, such as elaborate perfume or cologne bottles.
3. They give the customer a better idea of what’s inside. Not only does clear packaging show the quality of a product, but it also lets potential buyers evaluate the color, size and other aspects of the item to help them decide whether or not it is suitable for them. It also allows the consumer to see the bonus “give away” items that may be included with the primary product being purchased.
4. Good quality printing and finishing. Plastic substrates are some of the hardest substrates to print upon or add finishing to. The last thing you want is your brand, message, or product image to suffer. Be sure to work with a provider who can offer high quality transparent packaging solutions to ensure your products are handled with care.
5. They make for distinctive gift-giving. Gift sets look particularly attractive when arranged in a box behind a clear plastic cover. Rather than having to open the box and take out each individual gift, recipients can simply enjoy and display the items they have received.
For attractive, versatile, and revealing product package, clear plastic folding cartons and windowing are the clear choice. To discover which clear plastic folding carton packaging options we have to offer, contact JohnsByrne today. Which of your products would benefit from a transparent package?
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