
Cannabis For Skincare: How To Package This Trending Health & Beauty Ingredient

Published On: June 13, 2018

The health and beauty market is a multi-billion dollar industry. Every year, millions of people purchase new products that will help them to look better. Topping the charts at some of the most purchased products annually are skincare creams, oils, and lotions. Both men and women have seen a resurgence of new brands creating new skincare lines.

The facts suggest that more and more beauty brands are beginning to incorporate cannabis-infused products into their ingredient list–making cannabis the hottest ingredient in skincare. Hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) has been touted in several medical studies as having a myriad of health benefits ranging from treating acne, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and eczema to minimizing seizures, stress, and insomnia.

More beauty brands are now utilizing elements of the cannabis plant to help tackle common skin care issues.

In this article, we’ll discuss what types of packaging elements beauty brands should consider when creating packaging for skincare products that utilize cannabinoids.

So why is cannabis making its way into storefront shelves in the skin and beauty section?

Cannabis is considered a luxury item among skincare consumers. Due to its very recent acceptance as a medicinal product, its rarity increases the demand. Adding cannabis into a product can help to add value instantly.

How to Package Cannabis Products

When creating your cannabis packaging design, you must have a well-thought out strategy. Because the ingredients may raise some eyebrows, consumers will want more information about what is in the product prior to purchasing.

Education is a Must

Cannabis is usually used in conjunction with other organic ingredients. Due to the natural ingredients list, it’s important to ensure that every package with cannabis in it,it has room for special instructions and medicinal values.

As a manufacturer, it’s important to create cannabis packaging that equally informs consumers as well as conveys the breakthrough science and ingredients of any given product.

Keep Packaging On-Brand

By keeping your packaging on-brand, you can be sure to attract skincare consumers’ full attention and recognition. We’ve all witnessed less than subtle packaging at some point as consumers. Non-descript or off-brand packaging should be avoided as it can be confusing, especially in skin care products. Instead, consider your packaging as a manifestation of your brand mission and values. Regardless of the packaging design you create, it needs to be on-brand and reflect your brand’s unique values and personality. Not doing so, can cause confusion in the market and make you forgettable.

Holiday Packaging

Many skincare companies have their biggest quarter during the fourth quarter holidays. For this reason, it’s important to keep this in mind, and create special promotional packaging that coincides with the season.

Choose Your Fonts and Colors Carefully

Cannabis companies are known for exerting great style choices. In an already competitive market, it’s extremely important to make sure that your brand message is communicated through colors and fonts that speak to your target audience.

Use Finishes and Textures with Purpose

Sparkle Texture for Cosmetics Packaging

Textures and finishes on packaging can help achieve a myriad of goals. Unique finishes and textural elements that are thoughtfully added to your packaging design can help support your brand message and value. Whether you’re going for a natural, organic look or a sophisticated look, implementing finishes and textural elements to your packaging can help achieve the look. Some favorite finishes and textures include:

  • Gloss coatings and dull varnishes to create contrast
  • Soft touch coatings for a smooth, velvety texture
  • Reticulation to create a signature effect
  • Embossing and debossing for a tactile experience
  • Foil stamping for a bright metallic appearance

Textured Finish for Cosmetics  

Regardless of the finish selected, it’s important that the visual or tactile effect created is in line with your packaging goals and brand.

Incorporate Samples and Testers

One of the greatest ways to pick up traction as a new brand is by having sleek samples that can be passed out among friends and families. This is one of the easiest ways to generate new customers and expand your brand. However, make sure that the packaging maintains the same great branding as your main skincare packaging design in order to stay in alignment with your brand.

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Cannabis Skincare is the Future

Cannabis-infused skincare products are here to stay. Thanks to their ability to easily clean up common skin irritations and conditions, they are a perfect ingredient. So long as customers are willing to spend a little more to get skincare products with cannabis, the market will continue to expand.

Brands must always be aware of the innovation and creative opportunities that packaging their products represents. In retail stores and dispensaries, it’s common for the final decision to come down to which brand better orchestrates its branding into precisely designed packaging. By taking these factors into consideration, you can make it easier for the customer to choose your cannabis product!

Have a skincare or health and beauty packaging project in sight? Talk to our packaging experts at JohnsByrne and learn how to make your product a success.

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