Packaging is way more than just a container for your product. Effective packaging is a vehicle for strengthening your brand and supporting marketing initiatives, including social causes.
Many consumers are concerned with social causes, such as the environment, public health, the arts, education, and others. When brands give proceeds to designated charities or nonprofit organizations, it can lead to an uptick in sales because it makes it easy for customers to give back. However, the benefits go beyond increasing profits. Showing customers you care about causes that are important to them demonstrates a human side and makes it easier for individuals to connect with your brand.
Large brands bring this kind of social consciousness to a whole new level because of their wide presence. These companies may even have an opportunity to educate their customers on important causes. Because packaging is a tangible aspect of the brand, it plays a crucial role in advancing social consciousness of a cause. It can also increase awareness among your customer base. From color schemes-to-shapes, social causes can be integrated into packaging strategies for maximum results.
The Importance of Brands Getting Involved in Causes
A high number of customers would prefer to shop from retailers and brands that give back. In fact, according to a study by marketing firm Cone LLC, 94% of consumers would switch to brands if one carried a cause or not. Advertising a social cause that your brand supports through point-of-sale displays and packaging allows for an increase in customer appeal and may also boost sales.
Make Your Cause Stand Out with High-Impact Product Packaging
Cause-related marketing is a great way to use bold packaging to capture attention. Depending on the cause, you may want to incorporate other colors outside of your usual branding. For example, many disease-awareness non-profits use specific colors to brand themselves, which can easily be incorporated into your packaging strategy to promote the cause. Think pink for breast cancer awareness.
One of the ways packaging can support cause marketing—especially during the holiday season—is that you can promote special edition products or packaging. Doing so will make customers will feel like they are contributing to a cause. Not only does this help bring awareness of a particular cause, but it can also help you increase loyalty from existing customers.
Be sure to be clear about the cause. If a portion of the proceeds from the product goes toward funding for a particular cause, be sure to notify customers on the packaging. This step can help build brand loyalty, especially if it’s a cause your target audience is already invested in.
For any type of cause marketing campaign, partnering with the right packaging supplier can improve your results. JohnsByrne has a wide range of industry expertise to make your cause marketing efforts stand out.
Contact us today to learn how we can help you launch a cause marketing campaign.
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