Packaging is an ever-evolving industry, shifting to match what attracts consumers in the current culture. The emerging packaging industry trends for 2019 that will be seen in a wide range of products, including health and beauty, distilled spirits, cannabis, and consumer electronics include:
Bold, Saturated Colors
The science behind the human response to color plays an important role in successful packaging. Bold, saturated colors naturally attract the eye – the first step of triggering a consumer purchase. Choosing the right color of a new packaging design is a critical step in the design process. Studies reveal that the relationship between color and branding involves understanding consumer perception on how well the color matches the item within. There is no question that the first step in a consumer buy is related to color – bring on the bolds to create instant attraction. The Pantone Color of the Year, Living Coral 16-1546 will no doubt be appearing in packaging for 2019, along with other deep, saturated colors for immediate attraction, further stimulated with other effects such as package shape and textural effects.
Simplicity & Minimalism
The pendulum swings, and in 2019, simplicity rules. Minimalist packaging is not only attractive to consumers, but it’s also a positive trend for manufacturers. Simplicity and economy appeal to a market segment that has become weary of the excesses of the past and is turning toward a simpler lifestyle. At the same time, you can combine vibrant color with minimalistic elements to create a unique look that’s lively and rich while keeping it simple. Colors like the aforementioned Living Coral can provide a great overall look while still adhering to the “less is more” philosophy.
Eco-Friendly Packaging
Consumer awareness about protecting the environment is higher than ever, with 57percent of consumers responding that green packaging matters in making a purchase decision, according to a recent survey. Eco-friendly packaging that is biodegradable or manufactured with recycled materials is one of the packaging market trends worth watching, with many consumers refusing to purchase products unless they see that a brand is concerned about sustainability. Clean products presented in eco-friendly packaging is flying off the shelves, and brands that recognize high consumer interest in environmental issues can expect to experience significant growth in sales.
Holographic Effects
Visual attraction is a fundamental of effective packaging, and holographic effects produce an instant impact upon consumers. Holographic foils or rainbow foils create a color-change effect when viewed from different angles, naturally attracting the eye to a product. As one of the new trends in packaging, brands are implementing this mesmerizing effect on a range of products.
Luxe Looks
Luxury brands are taking packaging their products to a new level, iconifying their brands with the entire presentation, including texture, finish, color, logo, shape, and design. Consumers attracted to luxury brands want to feel they are members of a highly-exclusive club – those who appreciate quality products and are prepared to pay a premium for the experience. Established luxury brands offering new products keep the mythology of the product at the forefront in presentation, communicating with visual and textural effects that the product within provides a superior experience. Subtle silver and gold sheen elements, foil stamping, or soft touch coatings with a luxurious, velvety texture create a luxe appeal to consumers who are attracted to, and purchase quality products.
Color Transitions In Packaging
Vivid color combinations and certain dreamlike gradients and transitions will be particularly popular in 2019. The reason vividness is so important in 2019 is because it adds a more futuristic feel to the design, with color schemes that transport people to another world. Futuristic colors can create original designs that utilize the designer’s imagination while allowing for a certain level of improvisation. Some graphics may combine vivid transitions with 3D visuals for a stronger look that truly stands out.
Fluid Effects
The liquid effect is another trend that will continue into 2019. Whether the fluid look comes from oil, water, or another type of liquid, this design choice has influenced many contemporary packages. One of the great things about the fluid effect is that it allows for plenty of freedom regarding typography, with the ability to incorporate a liquid look in the text itself.
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