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Photo Credit Codex Beauty Just about every consumer brand today is making strides to be eco-friendly and more sustainable. For some brands, their entire line Choosing Sustainable Packaging Options – For New & Established Brands

As with all marketing campaigns, there are successful direct mail campaigns and unsuccessful ones. But what makes a successful direct mail campaign? To answer that The Trifecta for Direct Mail Testing

Standing out in today’s competitive market is vital to keeping your brand alive – no matter what industry you’re in. Since packaging is the first Lenticular Printing

The new year is just around the corner, with many new innovative packaging designs coming our way. Exciting colors, package structures, illustrations, and other designs 2020 Packaging Trends

While technology has changed the way we market to potential buyers, traditional direct mail campaigns should still play a part in car manufacturers’ marketing campaigns. Automotive Direct Mail – How Car Manufacturers Can Still Win Big

The role of packaging has changed over the years. In today’s world of internet and online shopping, many feel like packaging matters less and less. Packaging Matters: 3 Purchasing Behavior Statistics Everyone Should Care About

The color palette of packaging designs plays a critical role in determining a customer’s first impression of a brand or product.  Color plays an important The 2019 Color of the Year and its Role in Packaging

The unveiling or unpacking of a product can be just as crucial as the packaging itself. The experience consumers have while unboxing a product has The Unboxing Experience: Why it Matters & How to Do It Right

Everything has a life cycle and this includes packaging. From the first inception of the packaging design to the moment it is opened by the The 5 Stages of Packaging You Need to Consider in the Design Process

Social media and technology have completely revolutionized the way we reach consumers and how we market to them. Social media gives brands and customers a Packaging and Social Media – Is Your Packaging Instagram Worthy?

One of the most important parts of packaging design is the color scheme. Because packaging is often the first impression of a brand that customers have, Color Effects in Packaging Design – 7 Stand-out Trends

The millennial generation is different from prior generations. They have different expectations and catering to their demands is a special challenge for brands in any Designing for Millennials – Tips for Making Your Packaging Resonate