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Leveraging the Latest Packaging Trends
Packaging trends are constantly evolving to present consumers with new and exciting designs. At JohnsByrne, we’re committed to staying up-to-date on trends, which is why we’ve compiled nine of the hottest packaging ideas to share our industry knowledge with you.
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Be the Packaging Hero: A Guide to Achieving Innovation within Budget
Packaging plays such an important role in a product’s success, that it can be an element that makes or breaks the strategy and brand. In fact, 66% of consumers and packaging professionals surveyed said they have tried a new product because of the packaging. Innovative packaging designs that provide big shelf impact enable brands to compete and capture market share.
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Structural Packaging Designs that Stand Out from the Rest
While you may not think of it at first, packaging is an integral part of a product’s marketing strategy. It can determine whether a customer thinks a certain product is worth their money, and even if it increases the cost a bit, great packaging is what will lead the product to sell.
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Packaging Success: A Look at the Creation Process
Get an inside look at how JohnsByrne partnered with TIGI Professional to develop a winning packaging design. From initial idea stages to the final product, get an exclusive look at how the packaging process works and how we overcame challenges to deliver a winning design.
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Fast Facts on the Print and Packaging Process
There are always new ways to innovate and keep your packaging and print new, exciting and refreshed. Understanding the basic print/packaging product processes can give you more confidence and ‘know-how’ during the discussions of the development and execution of your work.
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